Our Mission

To empower women and their children who have survived domestic abuse or violence to find themselves, their confidence, and their strength again.

Anchor scripture:

Jeremiah 29:11

Our Vision

To create a world where every woman who has survived domestic abuse and their children can step into a future filled with hope, empowerment, and independence.

Our Core Values

Healing: We recognize that survivors of domestic abuse often bear deep emotional and physical wounds. Healing provides women and their children with the space to mend, both mentally and physically, from the trauma they've endured. By partnering with BetterHelp, The I Am House empowers survivors to embark on a journey of recovery, allowing them to rebuild their lives with strength and resilience.

Anchor Scriptures:

Psalm 34:18-22, Psalm 147:3, Psalm 9:9, Jeremiah 30:17, 2 Kings 20:5

Support: the bedrock of The I Am House's approach to healing. Survivors of domestic abuse often feel isolated and unsupported, making it difficult for them to escape their situations or heal effectively. Our safe online community ensures women are surrounded by a network of caring individuals, support groups, and resources. Whether through counseling, mentorship, or community engagement, The I Am House offers unwavering support, helping survivors rebuild their lives and providing them with the strength and guidance they need to move forward on their healing journey.

Anchor Scriptures:

Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 40:29, 2 Samuel 22:49

Affirmations: Using affirmations and believing in who God says you are plays a crucial role in the healing process of survivors. Many women who have experienced domestic abuse often grapple with diminished self-esteem and self-worth. The I Am House believes in the power of positive affirmations to counteract the negative beliefs that may have been instilled before or during their abusive experiences. By consistently reinforcing self-worth, resilience, and self-love, our organization enables survivors to regain confidence and realize their true potential, which is a vital step toward breaking free from the cycle of abuse.

Anchor Scriptures:

Romans 8:38-39- I am loved. Deuteronomy 7:6- I am chosen.

John 15:16- I am worthy. Colossians 2:10- I am enough.

Founder and Executive Director, Dana Copeland

Are you a Domestic Abuse survivor?

If you have ever experienced abuse, then you know the long-lasting effects it can have. You can lose your sense of security, your joy, hope, purpose, and even your desire to live.

Witnessing domestic abuse in her home as a child caused Dana to be in several abusive relationships as an adult. It wasn’t until she lost herself and reconnected with God that she experienced a place of identity and the birthing of The I Am House.

She desires for you to break free from your current situation and live your best life by accepting who God says you are.

Join our safe online community that encourages and affirms women so you can find yourself, your confidence, and your strength again.

Call the 24/7 National Domestic Abuse Hotline at

1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)

Is it safer to get help over chat and not talk on the phone?